Pearle Harbour’s Chautauqua
Part of The RISER Project
Do you feel lost? Are you troubled? Are you behind on your emails?
Do you yearn for community that enhances, rather than annihilates, the feeling of being a true individual?
The world is full of uncertainty and inharmony, but for one week only, salvation is passing through (your town/city/municipality)! Gather together with our new leader, all-American World-Wartime gal Pearle Harbour, under the milky canvas of our beautiful tent. We will sing together, learn together, breathe together, and live our Truths! In our Chautauqua tent, we come together because we’re falling apart.
A Pearle Harbour Production
Written and performed by Justin Miller
Dramaturgy by Sandra Balcovske
Directed by Byron LaViolette
Assistant director Rebecca Ballarin
Production design by Joseph Pagnan and Haley Reap
Sound design by Deanna Choi
Live accompaniment by Steven Conway
Movement by John Turner
Stage management by Joey Condello with assistant stage management by Mirabella Singh
For RISER Project:
Production management by Deborah Lim
Lighting design by Jareth Li
Publicity by FLIP Publicity (Carrie Sager)
Produced by Why Not Theatre (Ravi Jain, Owais Lightwala, Kelly Read)
Pearle Harbour’s Chautauqua is presented as part of the RISER Project, a collaborative producing model by Why Not Theatre, with the generous support of the Toronto Arts Council and the Government of Canada.
Regular $15 | Two Show Pass $20
BMO Incubator
Performance Dates
Performance Dates:
Wednesday, April 19 – 9:30pm – Preview
Thursday, April 20 – 9:30pm – Opening
Friday, April 21 – 9:30pm
Saturday, April 22 – 9:30pm
Sunday, April 23 – 4:00pm
Monday, April 24 – 9:30pm
Tuesday, April 25 – 9:30pm
Wednesday, April 26 – 9:30pm
About The RISER Project
In order to create more access and opportunity for artists, Why Not Theatre is looking at new ways of producing theatre in Toronto for independent artists. The RISER Project brings together a community of senior leadership and emerging artists, to support the artistic risk that independent artists must take in order to create and innovate. The model is designed to maximize existing infrastructures by sharing resources, risk and energy to reduce the producing burden on artists. The senior partners of the 2017 round of productions are Necessary Angel, Nightwood Theatre, fuGEN Theatre, Modern Times, and The Theatre Centre. RISER is made possible with the generous support of the Toronto Art Council’s Open Door Program and the Government of Canada.