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Tracy Wright Global Archive 2015

Presented by Sky Gilbert

The Tracy Wright Global Archive is a project that inspires artists to explore a burning question and create a new work by engaging deeply with communities and locations across the globe, seeking answers to their questions and inspiring new directions in their practice.

In our second year Sky Gilbert went to London to explore questions about art and criminality and he got more than he bargained for. It didn’t come out quite as planned! Instead, he did write lots and lots of poems (you’re going to have to listen to some of them) and bonded with Johnny Golding (she used to be called Sue!) his oldest and bestus friend in the world. Sky did, however (as planned) inflict himself on the Globe Theatre in drag, asking lots of unsuspecting bystanders the question: Was Shakespeare Gay? Oh yes, and he had a long chat with the inventor of Verbatim Theatre.

May 14


England, UK

Performance Dates

Thursday, May 14 | 8PM