Presented by The Theatre Centre
Labour, technophobia, donkeys, and sharing the load of revolution: asses.masses is a video game performance that follows the epic journey of unemployed asses as they navigate the perils of a post-Industrial society in which they’ve been made redundant. Each night, brave spectators take turns stepping forward from the herd to become the players of a custom-made video game. Cheeky and political, asses.masses puts the control(ler) in its audience’s hands and asks them to explore the space between the work that defines us and the play that frees us.
Content warning: Coarse language, simulated sex, simulated violence
Experience note: Imagine you’re going to a friend’s house to play video games together. You’ll be shouting ideas on how they should play the game, and enjoying fun snacks and drinks the whole time.
Created by Patrick Blenkarn and Milton Lim
Dramaturgy by Laurel Green
Sound Design and Original Compositions by David Mesiha
ASL will be available for most performances. The Theatre Centre is a physically accessible venue with barrier-free washrooms on each floor and a lift for public use.
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Hybrid by Design is made possible by the Canada Council for the Arts Digital Now Fund, and the Department of Heritage Canada Arts Presentation Fund.