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Warm up

Co-presented by SummerWorks Performance Festival and The Theatre Centre

In response to the climate crisis, Mykalle Bielinski takes on the challenge of powering her performance by generating her own electricity with her body and a bicycle. However, her system demands more energy than she can produce, trapping her in a cycle of exhaustion. She must break free from this consumerist logic to envision new ways of living that respect nature and herself.

As a powerful metaphor for the burnout capitalism inflicts on both bodies and ecosystems, the performance exposes the exploitation driven by the ideology of infinite growth. It tackles the blind spot of sustainable development head-on: the unbridled use of natural resources. At the intersection of sport, manifesto, concert, and ritual, this ultimate warm-up is an experiment in self-sufficiency that pushes consumer society to its limits. It asks a simple yet profound question: how can we truly be eco-responsible?

[Mykalle] Bielinski envisions a post-capitalism world, where humanity and nature coexist in harmony. She hopes to urge audiences to consider the concepts behind the de-growth movement, an ideology that is rapidly gaining momentum in the West.” – TheatreStorm

[warm up] examines our relationship with nature ‘through the lens of overconsumption by rethinking the act of making art.‘” – Local News Matters 

About SummerWorks Performance Festival

In response to the current zeitgeist, the 2024 SummerWorks Performance Festival presents 11 days of bold creative expressions from a diversity of perspectives and lived experiences, that engage with the idea of survival, in both subtle and blunt ways, with nuanced complexity.

With over 40+ events and activities, all curated and designed around the idea of gathering together in public space, this year’s Festival offers you a moment to pause and reflect, to dive into the energy and chaos, and to witness dynamic live performances by independent artists from across Canada, and around the world.

We invite you to join us this summer, for an inspiring, thought-provoking, and magical SummerWorks experience.

Learn more about the Festival.

Cover Photo by Maxime Côté.

OCAF FMCO 25 years




The Theatre Centre thanks the Government of Canada for generously supporting the presentation of The Movements & Warm up.

This event is part of The Theatre Centre’s 10 for 10 programming (ten unique offerings over ten months), which celebrates ten years since we moved into our forever home on 1115 Queen Street West. The Theatre Centre’s 10 for 10 programming is generously supported by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund.


Mykalle Bielinski, direction, performance, text and design
Myriam Stéphanie Perraton-Lambert, dramaturgy
Édith Patenaude, co-direction
Gabriel Duquette, power plant

August 6, 2024
to August 8, 2024

Tickets are


BMO Incubator

Performance Dates

Tuesday, August 6 – 8:30pm
Wednesday, August 7 – 6:30pm – Risk-Conscious Performance*
Thursday, August 8 – 10:00pm

*The August 7th performance is designated as a Risk-Conscious Performance, during which all audience members will be required to wear face masks or coverings while attending the performance. Surgical masks will be available at the venue for any such performances. Individual Risk-Conscious Performances will be clearly indicated on our website, at point-of-sale, on ticket confirmation emails, and onsite at the venue, and will be open for sale to the general public. Learn more about SummerWorks’ Health & Safety Policy.

This performance is 60 minutes

illustration of hands holding up a hand written sign that reads: hope is an active agent: the opposite of despair.
October 15, 2024
On September 23, The Theatre Centre hosted a Community Gathering & Reading, as part of our 10 for 10 programming (ten unique offerings over ten months), which celebrates ten years since we moved into our forever home on 1115 Queen Street West. This is the first of a series of texts that were read from our invited...